Dr. Aakash Kumar B
Allo Health
Dr. Aakash Kumar B completed his MBBS from Pondicherry University. With an intense curiosity to learn coupled with empathy, he makes sure the patient gets the best of all treatment modalities tailored to them. He also has headed a Pan-Indian Medical Magazine 'INFLAME' as the Associate State Editor for a term of 1 year. He currently holds the position of National Administrative Officer at the International Association of Students' Surgical Societies (IASSS) - India Chapter. He has published 2 articles in international journals and also a proud recipient of Short Term Studentship Program Scholarship for conducting an ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) approved study on Nomophobia and it's psycho-physiological effects on students. With a natural inclination towards clinical and sexual medicine. Dr. Aakash has a clinical experience of 4 months working as a general practitioner and teleconsultant
With a lot kept under the ground, sexual health is of paramount importance in one's life. To destigmatize sexual health issues is the need of the hour given the rapid increase in sexual health problems.